
2 min readFeb 8, 2021

Investors are seeing what we’ve seen for awhile now — education and healthcare are integral to the world’s economic and social health. HolonIQ recently reported that almost 20% of global GDP — $15 trillion — is spent on digital education and digital healthcare. Asia leads the world in digital education investment, while North America leads in digital healthcare investment.

More than ever, entrepreneurs are turning to public-private partnerships and capital markets to fund innovation, instead of relying solely on public-sector funding. VCs have responded. As of January 3, 2021, there are 19 EdTech companies around the world who have raised $13.7B and are collectively valued at more than $64B. Seven companies are from China, eight are in the U.S., followed by two in India and one in Canada.

In the HealthTech sector, 49 companies are valued at more than $1B. Of these, 29 are in the U.S. Nine are in China, four are in the United Kingdom, and there is one in Israel, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Canada respectively.

Advanced technologies are attracting the highest levels of investment. The EdTech market expects to see $12.6B invested in Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)-based solutions, followed by $6.1B in Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions. In HealthTech, investors are focused on digital solutions [MU1] that enhance quality of care, reduce costs, and improve access to care. The underlying technologies receiving the most funding are AI, Machine Learning (ML), and IoT capabilities such as remote monitoring, telemedicine, and wearables.

CrocosGoDigital falls squarely into both market segments. Our methodology and innovative courses are built on neurological frameworks, AI, and global research to detect — and ultimately treat — cognitive disorders in children ages 6 to 15. By combining advanced technologies with robotics and gaming techniques, we’re able to engage children in activities that help them improve cognitive skills. At the same time, they are learning technical skills that will serve them into adulthood and beyond.

We offer courses and workshops through our own locations, as well as to schools, organizations that foster extracurricular activities, and camps. In this way, more children with cognitive disorders have access to help. The same solutions also help healthcare professionals and specialists detect and diagnose cognitive disorders in children.

We’re thrilled to see the enormous interest from investors in both EdTech and HealthTech. We’re eager to partner with investors who understand the vast impact their investment can have on lives and economies around the world. For more information about our work, visit us at CrocosGoDigital.




We combines Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence to develop digital detection and remediation solutions for children aged 6–15 cognitive disorders